Cigar Brands available at our Toronto Store
We have one of the finest walk in cigar humidor in the city. We carry a wide variety of the best Cuban cigars and cigarillos available - including these fine brands:
Flavour: Medium to full
Introduced in 1935 by the H. Upmann factory, Montercisto appeared first in just five sizes described by numbers not name. The other sizes like the “A" and Especiales were added in the early 1970’s. The newest additions have been the Edmundo (2004), Petit Edmundo (2006) and the Montecristo Open (2009). There have been a number of limited editions and new ones are introduced frequently. Montecristo’s distinct flavour delighted cigar smokers so much that it has reigned as the most popular Havana for two decades.
La Linea Clasica: Flavour: Medium to full
La Linea 1492: Flavour: Medium
Cohiba was created in 1968 as Havana’s premier marque for diplomatic use only. From 1982 it was offered to the public in three sizes: Lanceros, Corona Especiales and Panetelas. There more sizes: Esplendidos, Robusto and Exquisitos were added in 1989 to complete La Linea Clasica. Then in 1992 the five sizes of La Linea 1492 were announced: Siglo 1, 2, 3,4, and 5.
Romeo y Julieta
Flavour: Medium
Founded by Alvarez y Garcia in 1875, Romeo y Julieta came into its own from 1903 when it was purchased by ‘Pepin” Fernandez Rodriquez. He traveled widely and raced is horse Julieta all over Europe and produced the widest selection of personalized cigar bands for the celebrities of his day.
Other Cigar Brands
Other Cuban Cigar brands that we carry include:
- Bolivar
- El Rey del Mundo
- Fonseca
- Gispert
- H. Upmann
- Hoyo de Monterrey
- Jose L. Piedra
- Juan Lopez
- La Flor de Cano
- Los Statos de Luxe
- Montecristo
- Partagas
- Por Larrañaga
- Punch Quintero
- Rafael Gonzalez
- Ramon Allones
- Romeo y Julieta
- Sancho Panza
- Saint Luis Rey
- Troya
In addition to Cuba’s best cigars we also carry a variety of cigars from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Ecuador. Brands include:
- Alec Bradley
- Ashton
- Select House Bundle Cigars
- Brick House
- Curivarie
- Davidoff
- Fuentes
- Batey
- Rocky Patel
- Tueros
- Bances
Included in our selection are a variety of dry cigar brands such as:
- Agio Meharis
- Colts
- Davidoff Cigarillos
- Cohiba
- Montecristo
- Panter
- Neos
- Café Crème
- Prime Time
We also always have Limited Edition, Country Edition Cuban Cigars for that rare find.