The Fountain Pen

The fountain pen is an elegant and expressive writing instrument that responds to individual writing style. The nib, or writing tip, determines smoothness and flexibility. A wide range of nib styles and sizes offers the best selection to suit individual writing preference. Fountain pens use bottled ink or cartridges, and some are easily converted to either. A fountain pen that won’t lek during airplane altitude changes is an important feature for travelers.

Choosing the Fountain Pen that is Right for You

In today’s world of faster, cheaper and disposable, there is still some things meant to be more gracious, more refined and more traditional. A fountain pen is one. But, only a properly fitted fountain pen can deliver much satisfaction.

Before you make your purchase there are several important factors to consider:

Analyze your writing style

Consider speed, slant, size, consistency, rhythm and pressure. The writing tip of the fountain pen, or nib is designed to suit an individual writing style.

Select the proper nib grade

Nib grades range from a choice of 4 to 24 depending on the manufacturer! The nib grade generally is relative to the size of writing; the smaller the letter, the finer the nib. Some manufacturers also offer a wide range of slanted oblique nibs and straight cut italic nibs as well as some very unique and specialty nibs.

Check the nib quality

The nib is what distinguishes a fine pen from an ordinary one. The best nibs will glide across the paper. Nib material ranges from stainless steel to 14k, 18k and 21k gold. Gold nibs generally tend to be flexible and conform easily to individual writing styles. Though today there are a number of stainless steel nibs available that perform equally good.

There are many other factors to consider above and beyond the above. We would be delighted to fit you with the right pen at our Toronto store.